What is your position on High Density housing in Fountain Valley?
I am against it.
High density and very high density housing for Fountain Valley IS NOT a must.
The State of California is saying cities need to have more housing — NOTHING AT ALL being said about the density.
So… who wants high density and very high density housing? Those who own land. They are commercial property owners and farm land owners. I am not saying they all do and I am not passing judgment. I am merely letting you know the reality. Fountain Valley CAN have more single-family homes — townhomes, condos, garden homes. YES, WE CAN!
As for Fountain Valley, we are pretty built out; however, this does NOT mean we MUST build upwards. The City of Fountain Valley is just about to submit to the State of California our General Plan Update. City staff has accommodated the State with a plan that is both thoughtful and in line with their requested RHNA numbers. My concern does not lie with the number of housing units the State is allocating cities to accommodate, I am instead very concerned about the AFFORDABILITY aspect. This is concerning to me.
When a development project comes before me again in the future (as a current City Council Member), I will continue to consider it to see how well it fits in the community — always voting in the absolute best interest of Fountain Valley.
I was one of the firm “no” votes of the Slater Investments Project for 277 luxury apartment rentals complex to replace Silky Sullivans and the 2 adjacent office buildings. Though, on paper, it’s a 5-story building, due to the elevator and lofts (that may be used for extra bedrooms beyond that 277), when built it will be 6-stories. It’s coming, unfortunately, as City Council majority approved this development project.
To me, the project just does not fit well, in many aspects of the project, there at the corner of Slater and San Mateo. That is why I was a very firm “no” vote. There will be just 30 “slightly more affordable units” within this new luxury apartment rentals complex. The affordability is not that of the very low income and extremely low income definition of “affordable housing”. I continue to let the public know this important information so there is no confusion.
Please know, the restaurant and adjacent office buildings sold to a developer in 2020. That transaction was between the property owners and the developer. The City of Fountain Valley was not involved.
What should our policy be regarding AirBNB and other short-term rentals in Fountain Valley?
Ban them completely.
Recently, Fountain Valley City Council did what a former City Council chose NOT to do in 2015 — and that was to address the matter. Yes, 7 years ago, the matter was on the City Council agenda; however the matter was never addressed. At that time, the City Council Members were Brothers, Nagel, Vo, Collins, and McCurdy. We had SOME at that time 7 years ago — now we have 5 times more — and if you saw our September Planning Commission Meeting and 2 subsequent City Council Meetings on September 20, 2022 and October 4, 2022, you would learn a great deal as to how problematic these illegal residential businesses are. (We are set for a last vote on the matter in the October 18th City Council Meeting. This is because we will have a new ordinance and that requires 2 votes by City Council. All our City Meetings are available for viewing on the City of Fountain Valley website (www.fountainvalley.org) on the “Agenda Center” page. I often type in “Meetings and Agendas” in the search bar.
Not only did we (this current Fountain Valley City Council) hear from residents in numbers, both in opposition and to permit them — we also BANNED THEM.
How did this all transpire? Well, I first discovered just ADUs could not operate as short-term rentals, there was no ordinance on the books in Fountain Valley to permit them or to ban them. Late last year, City Council decided to address them. ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units) are allowed in California — not as short-term rentals.
Fast forward to what transpired recently, we just created a knew City ordinance that bans short-term rentals. These are residential rentals of 30 days or less. Sometimes short-term rentals are referred to as “AirBnbs”. ALL short-term rental rentals are banned — BOTH hosted (in which the property owner or a manager may live onsite and rent out residential spaces on a short-term basis) and unhosted (in which there is no property owner or manager onsite during a short-term rental).
We currently have 250+ illegal short-term rentals in Fountain Valley that have been operating illegally without permission (business permit) and not paying the 9% TOT tax (transient occupancy tax as hotels do) to the City of Fountain Valley.
No, the City of Fountain Valley does NOT issue business permits, nor is there any collection of the TOT tax.
Going forward, the City of Fountain Valley will collect what we may by law — 4 years worth of back taxes from the illegal short-term rental property owners.
Additionally, with a fine structure of $1,500 – first offense, $3,000 – second offense, and $5,000 third offense, the City could be seeing lucrative revenue until the property owner abides by the City’s ordinance regarding no short-term rentals.
Fellow residents will finally leave back their “nice place to live” City of Fountain Valley without mini hotels illegally operating in neighborhoods.
I continue to welcome to new hotels to Fountain Valley — real hotels in our commercial areas.
There is a major problem with street parking in our city, especially in areas where there are apartment dwellings nearby. How do you plan to address that issue, especially considering state housing mandates and projects like Slater Investments?
- Require street parking permits.
- Require more parking spaces for new developments.
- Other (please specify):
Yes, we certainly have some residential parking challenges in Fountain Valley in several areas I know of. As it is now, residents may bring the matter to the City (City Council) and request parking permits for a specific residential area. The support of many neighbors is needed for this. I am including this information here, in case residents are unaware and would like to do so.
Additionally, City Hall will look into parking challenges residents bring forth.
New residential developments SHOULD have more required parking spaces. We often hear developers don’t include a good amount of parking in their plans as there’s no money in it. Developers come in, get the development project through and built, then they are out. Fellow residents and visitors to our “nice place to live” are often then left having to deal with a most unpleasant ongoing situation of parking challenges.
In April, 2022 City Council majority (not me) approved the 277 room luxury apartment rentals complex to replace Silky Sullivan’s and the 2 adjacent office buildings. I had a very long list of concerns — to include parking, since that area of Slater, San Mateo, Warner, etc. is home to thousands of residents, employees, and visitors. Yes, I certainly raised the issue of parking concerns.
Which of these ideas do you think are good ideas for increasing city revenue?
- Bring more business into the city
- Other (please specify):
The City of Fountain Valley MAY collect revenue without taxing our residents! We recently implemented a short-term rentals ban. Please see the verbage above, as I mention $1,000, $3,000, and $5,000 fines for those continuing to operate. Additionally, the City of Fountain Valley may legally collect 4 years worth of back TOT tax (transient occupancy tax, same rate as hotels) at a rate of 9% for those illegally operating short-term housing rentals.
Additionally, new hotels coming to Fountain Valley would be a great source of revenue. Those and other development projects will bring in permitting fees, property taxes, TOT taxes for hotels, etc. For new construction — both residential and commercial, large numbers of construction workers will be working in Fountain Valley and frequenting local businesses, too. Fountain Valley welcomes this money.
Let’s see more single-family homes being built in Fountain Valley! YES, we certainly can! New townhomes, condos, land garden homes are most welcome.
We will continue seeking out and researching new revenue possibilities. And, it is never up to one City Council Member. We are a City Council of 5 electeds. Sometimes there’s talk to the contrary around the City. It is important for everyone to know the truth.
Should Fountain Valley increase its TOT (Transient Occupancy Tax) from 9% to 10% to be at the same level as nearby cities?
I am AGAINST new taxes and fees — those words and no high density are on my campaign signs and have been in several elections now, though I was elected in 2018 and am happily serving my forth year. I am against our residents and business owners paying more. We are taxed so very heavily already, aren’t we? Being against new taxes and fees goes way beyond an election in which I am running in.
If an increase to our 9% TOT was to come about, I would need to know more about it.
Additional statement:
Did you know? NO current or former Fountain Valley City Council Member engages with residents and businesses to the extent I do daily? I happily spend hours speaking with residents and business owner each day by phone, in person, on social media, by text, and via email. Did you know I post lots of important City information on Facebook on a regular basis? Please feel free to connect with me there. Also, I always give out my cell phone number, as I pride myself in being what I believe to be the most accessible City Council Member… 714-335-2280 — phone / get anytime.
I have NO ties to our Police and Fire on purpose. I respectfully decline to participate in the endorsement process. I respect our first responders so much and want to continue supporting them appropriately in my duties as an elected.
What is the biggest issue in your City. How do you plan to address the issue?
Homelessness in Fountain Valley has been most concerning and has been my priority to have people transitioned into proper permanent housing. We want everyone to have a roof over their head. This year, my fellow City Council Members and I contracted with CityNet who has now gone full-time and is of tremendous assistance in transitioning more than half of our homeless into more permanent housing. It is going well and CityNet has helped more than half of our homeless (per the Point in Time Count). CityNet will stay on top of the situation and provide much needed assistance to those in need.
- I always vote on City Council agenda matters in the absolute best interest of FV. That’s me.
- The 10/4/2022 City Council Meeting video is out and available on the City’s website to watch anytime. I NEVER proposed any Fountain Valley commercial areas for high density or very high density housing. It was merely for the area to be a possible inclusion in the General Plan Update. A possible rezoning ON PAPER ONLY. I was told “no” in the Meeting. The City of Fountain Valley has included ONLY the areas in which commercial property owners/farm land owners have VOLUNTEERED to make changes on their land. I never intended any changes to any land, so you will NEVER hear any such words from me.
- I was the only City Council Member not to accept a $500 – $10,200 campaign contribution from the Slater Investments developer (luxury apartment complex approved to replace Silky Sullivan’s & the 2 adjacent office buildings. The $$$ is on their filed FPPC forms. I DO NOT accept those kinds of campaign contributions and/or endorsements. So many of our residents since 2011 have told me they don’t like when City Council Members are beholden in this manner.
- I, by my vote as a City Council Member approved the VERY STIFF short-term rentals fines of $1,500, $3,000, and $5,000 for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd offenses…again great money for FV… and going after the short-term residential rentals property owners for 4 years of back TOT tax owed to the City of Fountain Valley
- Though I was NOT a City Council Member in early 2018, I was AGAINST rezoning our 160+ acre FV Crossings area at Newhope, Talbert, Euclid, and Ellis. (I prefer it remain industrial — and, ironically, though rezoned, it still is).
- I was a “no” on the 20-year sales tax increase for Fountain Valley. Regardless, our residents passed it anyway.
- I was a firm “no” on the electronic message board for 24/7 national advertising next to the water tank. (It’s coming soon, because of City Council majority).
- I am a firm “no” on short-term residential rentals also known as AirBnbs which have been banned and will take effect mid next month. The City of FV will go after 4 years of back TOT taxes and start to fine all the residential property owners still operating these illegal residential rentals for periods of less than 30 days. The fines are $1,500 first offense, $3,000 second offense, and $5,000 third offense. You can read more above.
- I was a firm “no” vote on the 277 apartment rentals complex, a luxury complex that will replace Silky Sullivan’s and the two adjacent office buildings. Unfortunately. City Council majority approved it. Though 5-stories of housing, it will be 6-stories due to the elevator and all the lofts (that may be used as extra bedrooms). I wrote more above. Please see that if you are interested.
- My campaign signs reflect I am not for high density and new taxes/fees. We’re already paying too much.
What are your top 3 priorities if elected?
- Public safety – Keeping Fountain Valley a nice, safe place to live and live our lives for our residents, businesses and visitors to our city. Our first responders are so very hard-working and much appreciated by our community.
- Economic development — Fountain Valley has lots to offer businesses coming in especially with location, community aesthetics, and consumers. I along with City staff and others attend ICSC Conferences and met with retailers, developers, and commercial property managers in hopes to bring in new businesses. This is just part of how we are proactively encouraging new business. We need more hotels in Fountain Valley and are actively in pursuit.
- Government regulation — In representing Fountain Valley these past 4 years and continuing on as our Mayor after this re-election, I take everything into consideration and make a decision in the best interest of our “nice place to live”. There is TOO MUCH government regulation. We must appropriately push back when not a good fit for our community.
What is the biggest issue in your City? How do you plan to address the issue?
Homelessness has been our priority, as we want everyone to have a proper roof over their head. This year, City Council contracted with CityNet who has now gone full-time and is of tremendous assistance in transitioning more than half of our homeless into more permanent housing. It’s going well and CityNet has helped more than half of our homeless. They will stay on top of it and continue provide much needed assistance to those in need.
How do you plan on meeting the requirements of State housing laws that call for Fountain Valley to zone for an additional 4,839 units by 2029?
We are just about to submit to the State our General Plan Update. City staff has accommodated the State with a plan that is both thoughtful and in line with their requested numbers. When a development project comes before me again in the future, I will continue to consider it to see how well it fits in the community — always voting in the absolute best interest of Fountain Valley. So, yes…. We will be in compliance on paper — just as we need to be. As I wrote in a prior section, I am very concerned about the affordability, not the number of housing units.
We have an “affordable housing” development here in Fountain Valley. I was at the groundbreaking years ago and a few months ago attended the Grand Opening. Prado IS truly affordable housing — defined as extremely low income and very low income and Section 8. There are 50 units — all happily occupied with a very long waiting list per the leasing office. There are 8 units for our Veterans. Sure wish we could accommodate more. Housing affordability is a huge challenge. And we welcome more single family homes, townhomes, condos, and garden homes. Yes, we do.
Current political office / employer / occupation: CURRENT FOUNTAIN VALLEY MAYOR PROTEM – ELECTED AS A CITY COUNCIL MEMBER IN 2018
How long have you lived in Fountain Valley? 26 years and proud. I live in our Green Valley residential community.
Political Party Affiliation: REPUBLICAN
What are your main goals and what will you focus on if elected?
If re-elected, continuing on as our next Mayor (via rotation), with all our important issues in a balanced, consistent manner for the betterment of our “nice place to live”. Public safety, fiscal accountability, prosperous businesses, and well-informed residents are always a priority. I will remain committed, energized, and enthusiastic about Fountain Valley in continuing to serve, listen to, and understand you; and being well-prepared for each City Council Meeting as I have for these last 4 years.
How do you see yourself attracting new businesses to Fountain Valley?
Fountain Valley has a great deal to offer. I am fortunate to have represented the City of Fountain Valley in attending 2 ICSC (International Council of Shopping Centers / Innovating Commerce Serving Communities) Conferences. The purpose of these ICSC Conferences is to meet with retailers, developers, and commercial property managers. I look forward to bringing new retail and development opportunities to Fountain Valley.
How would you describe your approach toward government regulation?
In representing the City of Fountain Valley these past 4 years and with the prospect of continuing on in this re-election, my approach is to take everything into consideration and make a decision in the absolute best interest of our “nice place to live”.
All Commission, board and volunteer positions held within Fountain Valley (and as an elected on Fountain Valley City Council):
For years now, I happily volunteer a good amount of time DAILY in my community being easily accessible, informative, and connecting with countless residents and businesses on social media, telephone, via email and in person. Additionally, I regularly post a great deal of important Fountain Valley information and events on Facebook.
As for in-person volunteering — well, that is at our Fountain Valley Friends of the Library Bookstore. Having spent many years prior to working age volunteering at the Chapman Branch Library when my family lived in Garden Grove, then becoming a Library Page whose job it is to shelve books, then working my way up to a Library Clerk I was so enjoyable. It makes sense now to volunteer there. Our Friends of the Library Bookstore is so beloved.
- 8-6-2022 – I assisted with set-up of the Friends of the Library Colossal Book Sale and helped out through more than half of it. It was a big success!
- 6-15-2022 – I assisted in being the parking lot attendant for the Fountain Valley High School Grad Night at Summerfest.
- 6-10-2022 – I assisted in checking in the attendees at the Persons with Disabilities Dance (prom theme) at the FV Senior Center.
I have helped out with many Fountain Valley Community Foundation events over the years. I didn’t keep a list, yet I remember doing check-in for the 2016 Summer Campout and working the front gate at a prior BBQ Festival, etc. I’ve also helped out with Summerfest, Fountain Valley Chocolate Festivals, and more over the years. I attend monthly meetings when I get a chance.
- Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce Member 2010 – present
- Fountain Valley Historical Society Member 2014 – present
- Fountain Valley Community Foundation Member 2014 – present
- Fountain Valley Friends of the Library Member since 2014, though a membership lapse I wasn’t aware of – a member 2014 – present
- Nuisance Abatement Committee Member, OC Mosquito and Vector Control 2022 – present
- OC Mosquito & Vector Control Trustee (sworn in) 2021 – present
- Santa Ana River Floor Protection Agency, Alternate Member 2021 – present
- FVRA, Fountain Valley Republican Assembly Member 2014 – present
- City of Fountain Valley General Plan Advisory Committee Member (GPAC) 2021 – present
- City of Fountain Valley Persons with Disabilities Committee Advisor 2018 – present
- City of Fountain Valley Library Advisory Board Member 2018 – 2021
- Fountain Valley Woman’s Club Member 2012 – 2017
- Fountain Valley Summerfest Committee Member – 2015
- Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce Board Director (2011 – 2014) Four Board members were up for re-election at the Luncheon event. I was nominated from the floor, with members being told they could write in my name and vote for me besides those already listed on the ballot. After the vote, I was elected onto the Board…first time ever in the Chamber’s 45-year history for someone to be nominated from the floor. At the Luncheon, I was also honored to receive the “Ambassador of the Year” award.
- 2013 Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce Business Awards Nominee (2014)
- Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Chair (2013 – 2014)
- Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce Member Services Committee Member (2012 – 2013)
- Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce Ambassador of the Year (2011)
- Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce Ambassador (2010 – 2014) and I had signed 23 new Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce business members.
- Women’s Business Connection member (2010 – 2012)
In closing…..
Thank you so much for reading to the very end. I know it was long. I happily serve Fountain Valley as our Mayor Protem and really look forward to serving you as our next Mayor (by rotation) in December. Please feel free to email me at [email protected], phone / text me at 714-335-2280 or connect with me on Facebook.
Thank you so very much for your support. It means a great deal to me.