Mai-Khanh Tran

Mai Kkanh Tran

High Density Housing, Parking, and Traffic

I understand that this requires a balancing act between what may be countervailing and at times opposing interests. Growth and change are things that are inevitable and unstoppable. However, I am committed to balancing this with an eye toward ALWAYS keeping Fountain Valley a nice place to live – and not an Urban Eyesore.

WISP and Internet Service Providers

I pledge to perform more homework on the F.C.C. rules and regulations with regards to local municipalities’ contracts with cable companies. After doing my homework, clearing with legal counsel, and satisfied that it is in the best interest of our City, I would put it to a vote that we put it out for bidding as to who/which cable Company/ies should be the cable provider(s) for Fountain Valley.

Homeless Situation

To the best of my understanding, any solution to the homeless problem would likely have to comply with a judicial review/decree. The homelessness problem, if it is to be dealt with successfully, must be approached with compassion, humanity, dignity, and not with a “not in my backyard” approach. Vouchers can be given to families to stay for a short time in temporary housing while more permanent housing can be accessed. My office will seek to establish a direct communication line between the business community and those seeking to find employment in the City.
