Steve Nagel

Fountain Valley City Council Candidate 2022

What is your position on High Density housing in Fountain Valley?

I would support higher density multifamily housing with caution in Fountain Valley, but each development needs to be planned, developed, and approved by the Planning Commission, with public hearings, and City Council on a case by case basis depending on many factors, but most importantly location and impact to neighboring properties.

There are some locations in Fountain Valley along the Santa Ana River and in the Fountain Valley Crossings area that I believe could be developed with public transportation access and street parking that would have less negative impact to existing neighborhoods and arterial city street traffic, yet allow for quality affordable housing to the many community members in the low to moderate income ranges. Providing housing opportunities like these in Fountain Valley could allow many people the ability to live close to work and at a more affordable rate.

What should our policy be regarding AirBNB and other short-term rentals in Fountain Valley?

Ban them completely.

I believe in property rights, but I have also witnessed and heard many stories recently at City Council meetings and from other residents in Fountain Valley that short term rentals in our community have caused countless sleepless nights, loud music, drunk parties and street racing, where the police are called time and again for all types of disruptive behavior. Fountain Valley is not a vacation destination and our neighborhoods and community should be protected from these senseless out of control activities. Keep Fountain Valley a Nice Place to Live.

There is a major problem with street parking in our city, especially in areas where there are apartment dwellings nearby. How do you plan to address that issue, especially considering state housing mandates and projects like Slater Investments?

Some areas in Fountain Valley have opted to use Parking Permits to help control overflow neighborhood parking offenders, however when new developments are in the planning stages the developer needs to provide adequate parking for both visitor/guest parking, including permit parking for residents. As a council member I would suggest a review of code enforcement parking violation data and work with the City Planning Department, area residents and businesses to address problem areas and implement remedies to improve compliance.

Which of these ideas do you think are good ideas for increasing city revenue?

  • Bring more business into the city.
  • Other (please specify):

Bringing more businesses to Fountain Valley would always be welcome, but more importantly I believe is attracting types of business models, i.e. family entertainment sports venues (Top Golf, bring back Mile Sq. Park 18 hole Champion Golf Course by working with 1st District Supervisor?, or Dog Park at Mile Square Park?), Food – In & Out Burgers, Lucille’s BBQ, Chick-Fillet, etc., Attract: Quality Hotel chains to propose development at Warner/Magnolia (Boomer’s old location), commercial building south of Sizzler’s on Bushard and 405 Fwy – these hotels would bring TOT tax to FV from visiting hotel guests, not FV residents.,
405 Fwy. Reader Board Sign on City Property-Water tank location expected to generate around $750K per year or more with increases over time? No cost to the city!

Should Fountain Valley increase its TOT (Transient Occupancy Tax) from 9% to 10% to be at the same level as nearby cities?

Yes (increase TOT tax)

Yes, but raise to area average, which I believe in Orange County is closer to 12%? Hotel guests throughout the US pay a TOT or Bed Tax, which is short term housing less than 30 days. These guests get to travel on our smooth city roads, use our city parks, call for police and fire/paramedic services, drink our safe/clean water, etc. They get all of these services and more without ever paying one penny to use these terrific services. Paying 9% on their hotel bill is a small payment to the City of Fountain Valley for providing these essential services. For instance, whether a resident calls for Fire paramedics for help or a hotel guest calls for help, the first caller always takes priority and gets first class care and service. A pretty good deal wouldn’t you say?

Additional Statement:

Steve A. Nagel, Retired Fire Marshal

It was an honor to represent Fountain Valley as Mayor three times, during 3 terms on the City Council. Serving 30 years with the FV Fire Dept. in leadership capacities, knowledge of city infrastructure, operations, and volunteer experience with local non-profits gives me a unique understanding of our diverse community, neighborhoods, and local businesses that keep Fountain Valley “A Nice Place to Live.”

Many residents asked me to run again to bring order and common sense back to our city council. I will bring my experience to work with fellow council members, while being accessible and committed to listening to our residents and businesses.

My top priorities are public safety and conservative fiscal responsibility. Maintaining highly trained police and fire departments, public works, recreation and other essential services. Planning for our city requires an insight and vision with measured growth and consideration to our neighbors throughout our city.

I would be honored to represent you again to assure continuity and long -term stability.

I appreciate the consideration of your Vote on Nov. 8th

Contact me: [email protected]
Nagel for FV City Council 2022 ID# 1450974
